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Tomed Incident

One of the least famous ships had an incredible journey through the ranks of history. The U.S.S. Tomed, NCC-1698, Constitution class, was assigned to survey a previously unexplored sector of space in 2265. It was supposed to rendezvous with the U.S.S. Constellation, NCC-1017, two weeks after its assignment. Starfleet searched the area but came up empty handed. Starfleet was forced to file its disappearance as 'unknown'.

In 2268, Starfleet commissioned another Constitution class Tomed, NCC-1898. The ship was sent, by complete chance to the same sector of space that the original was lost. By this point, though, Starfleet knew that that sector was next to the Romulan Neutral Zone. This Tomed was sent to survey the border and continue on its way to rendezvous with the new starbase eight light years away. Captain William Mirek was commanding the Tomedduring this simple mission. The crew detected another ship coming to intercept them. Mirek believed it was a Romulan vessel and ordered the shields raised. Probably the wisest move on his part.

The intercepting vessel refused hails, but continued toward the Tomed. Mirek became agitated and ordered his ship to change trajectory and intercept it. The sensors were finally able to put the intercepting ship on the screen after twenty minutes of uncertainty. To everyone's amazement the sensors reported that the intercepting vessel was the U.S.S. Tomed, NCC-1698! The 1698 had its shields raised and weapons ready. The 1898 charged its weapons and continued hails. The first shot has yet to be determined, but the attack ended up with the 1898 in victory. Its newer weapons systems and maneuverability gave the newer ship the advantage.

The 1698 was being piloted by Romulan agents of the Tal-Shiar. The Tal-Shiar was relatively new in the Romulan hierarchy, but they were already quite effective. But they were not prepared for the shock of seeing themselves or doing battle with themselves. The Tal-Shiar, in a show of what they could do, hijacked the original Tomed and brought her back to Romulus unharmed. The crew had been detained, those who survived, and were interrogated until death. The Tal-Shiar agents took the ship to further understand the Federation and its technology. They had been able to use the Tomed to do some devious deeds while it was under their control, though most of them are either classified or just plain unknown. But when they did battle with the second Tomed, they were no match. The agents that were captured were interrogated and returned to Romulus in disgrace the following year. The Romulan government fell into deep seclusion and isolationism for nearly fifty years.

In 2311 Starfleet ordered a survey mission of a sector of space near the Romulan border. This, by chance, was the same sector that the Tomed battled itself. By even further chance, Starfleet had ordered the U.S.S. Tomed, NCC-15021, Oberth class, to do the surveying. While out doing standard surveying on a well-known sector, the Tomed detected Romulan ships approaching. The Tomed had very few weapons this time so Captain Regina Archibald ordered a distress call to be sent. The ships crew did not survive to see the help arrive, but the help did arrive. The nearby major planet, Vestue Prime, was less than twelve light years away and was attacked by the Romulan Assault Force that nearly destroyed the Tomed. The world was inducted into the Federation only ten years before the incident and was feeling the wrath of Romulan forces. The Enterprise-B arrived to put a stop to the attack, but not until nearly one hundred thousand lives had been lost to the attackers.

At the time, this force was the Romulans strongest attack force. No one is willing to go to war with a more superior enemy, so the Romulans backed down from the fight that they had begun. The Federation placed stricter regulations on the Neutral Zone and put up continual surveillance of the border. The Romulans fell into an even deeper seclusion and isolationism for more than fifty years. Only recently have the Romulans been active in other worldly events.

Starfleet decided that commissioning another Tomed would be foolish. Then the next genteration of Admiralty changed its mind. In 2368 Starfleet authorized the construction of the U.S.S. Tomed, NCC-72313, Bradbury class. The Tomed was placed on exploration and survey duty.

Update: It is rumored that Starfleet is considering sending the Tomed into Romulan space to make some treaty talks. Because of the wild rumor, complaints and commendations for even thinking of it are flooding Starfleet. Whether the rumor is true or not, Starfleet will not comment on the proposal.

by Cpt. Telemen Vastner, Ret. Cpt. Vastner was in command of the starship Angel for eight years and the Dragon for twenty-three.
